Att: U.S. College/Jr. A Coaches, Scouts, Agents, Fans

Just Back from the Printer!!

The Northeastern U.S. Division I Prep Composite Schedule, 2001-2002, a must-have for anyone combing the highways and back roads of New England this winter, is in our hands and set for mailing. . 

This schedule book, praised by all who used it last year, will free you from hours of sifting through piles of schedules simply to put together a  scouting itinerary. That's because everything you need is here. The centerpiece, of course, is the composite -- and it's a true composite. That is, day-by-day and hour-by-hour. Before USHR took on the task, such a thing did not exist. Now it does, and not only will you get all games for each day, but they're listed in order of starting times, so you can quickly analyze your options and retain flexibility on the road.

In the book's other sections you will find each team's individual schedule, total Christmas and New Year's Tournament Schedules, telephone numbers, and other handy information. The book, printed on non-repro paper, is three-hole punched so you can snap it into your notebook, and it has a column along the right-hand side for notes.

We've put in late nights and long hours on this project, checking and double-checking. The time we spent will be time you save. The cost is $49.95 plus $5 postage and handling. Please use the handy order form below and fax it back to us ASAP. We ship daily. (Note: To help you get reimbursed, we will, if requested, include receipts with each book.)   

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Fax or mail this form to:
U.S. Hockey Report
1770 Massachusetts Ave., #195
Cambridge, Mass. 02140
Tel. (617)497-1659
Fax: (617) 497-4081