Sat. 2/28/15
Near-Infinite Possibilities on Final Day
As anyone who watched the results come in last night can tell you, it was wild, kind of like Election Night, with teams moving in and out, up and down.
And that was with a small schedule. Today and tonight, with just about everyone going at it, promises to be even wilder.
Tip to the wise: don’t look at JSPR/RPI before every single game is in. It will make you crazy.
Last night, we saw an example of how a single game can turn everything upside down. When Dexter blanked St. Paul’s, 6-0, the latter no longer became one of the 16 Teams Under Consideration, and Tabor, without even playing anyone yesterday, jumped up into the group of 16 -- and with two JSPR points!
This flip-flop is a fortunate development for teams in the Top 16 with good records vs. Tabor. Suddenly, they picked up valuable comparison points. Meanwhile, wins vs. St. Paul’s became less valuable – at least for one day.
Therefore, games involving those two schools will likely have a huge ripple effect on the fortunes of many other teams. Tabor is at NMH (12:30 pm), and St. Paul’s is at Lawrence Academy (4:30 pm).
Right now, there are four teams – Brunswick, Brooks, Kimball Union, and Choate – all fighting for the final slot in the Elite 8. It’s within the realm of possibility that all four could end up tied in points – something, by the way, that has never happened before -- and tie-breakers would be required to sort it all out. Let’s just say there are many, many scenarios surrounding today’s results, and it tumbles down through the ranks of the large and small school fields. To give one more example, St. Sebastian’s @ Thayer (5:30 pm). Keep an eye on that one too.
Finally, there are potential big games – i.e games that will likely only be recognizable as big games once all the computations are made. That’s when teams can look back on that one bad game in early December, and rue that day forever.
We ask that all coaches look through today’s prep schedule, below, and make sure that all NEPSIHA-eligible games are included.
We also ask, on behalf of all concerned, that all coaches get tonight’s results entered as soon as possible, so players, coaches, parents, and fans aren’t up past midnight tearing their hair out.
Lakes Region Tournament
Third-Place Game: Proctor @ Tilton, 4:00 pm
Championship Game: New Hampton @ KUA, 4:00 pm
Empire Cup Tournament
Consolation Game: Trinity-Pawling vs. Millbrook, 3:00 pm (at Millbrook)
Championship Game: Brunswick vs. Albany Academy, 5:30 pm (at Millbrook)
Hebron @ Kents Hill, 2:00 pm
Tabor @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 2:30 pm
Gunnery @ Berkshire, 2:30 pm
Deerfield @ Westminster, 3:00 pm
Canterbury @ Salisbury, 3:00 pm
Pomfret @ Williston-Northampton, 3:30 pm
St. George's @ Middlesex, 3:30 pm
St. Mark's @ Groton, 4:00 pm
BB&N @ Brooks, 4:00 pm
Andover @ Exeter, 4:00 pm
Berwick @ Cushing, 4:00 pm
Milton @ Noble & Greenough, 4:15 pm
St. Paul's @ Lawrence Academy, 4:30 pm
Hotchkiss @ Taft, 4:30 pm
Kent @ Choate, 5:00 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Thayer, 5:30 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Loomis-Chaffee, 7:30 pm
Tues. 2/24/15
Figuring Out the Playoffs
Please check out our article in today's USHR News, "RPI, JSPR, Big Schools/Small Schools & More," for a detailed look at how the playoff system works -- as well as a simple version for those who wish to bypass all the math and quickly determine where their teams stand heading into the final four days of the regular season.
Mon. 2/23/15-- updated Sat. 2/28
Prep Composite, Week of Feb. 23, 2015
Mon. Feb. 23
St. Andrew's College @ Appleby College, 2:00 pm
Rivers @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Brewster Academy, 4:00 pm
St. Paul's @ Thayer, 4:00 pm
St. Mark's @ St. George's, 4:30 pm
Canterbury @ Gunnery, 4:45 pm
Groton @ Middlesex, 5:00 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Kingswood-Oxford, 5:00 pm
Albany Academy @ Berkshire, 5:00 pm
Kent @ Salisbury, 5:30 pm
Tues. Feb. 24
Belmont Hill @ Tabor, 4:45 pm
Loomis-Chaffee @ Choate, 5:30 pm
Franklin HS vs. Xaverian, 5:10 pm (Super 8 Play-in game -- Chelmsford Forum)
Woburn vs. Burlington HS, 7:10 pm (Super 8 Play-in game -- Chelmsford Forum)
Wed. Feb. 25
Holt League Playoffs:
Pingree @ Worcester Academy, 2:40 pm (at NESC) -- semifinal
Rye Country Day @ Moses Brown, 4:30 pm -- semifinal
Portsmouth Abbey @ NYA, 4:45 pm – 5th place game
Exeter @ Pomfret, 2:00 pm
Berkshire @ Millbrook, 2:30 pm
Middlesex @ Groton, 3:00 pm
Tilton @ Vermont Academy, 3:00 pm
Brooks @ Rivers, 3:00 pm
Taft @ Trinity-Pawling, 3:00 pm
BB&N @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm
Northfield - Mt. Hermon @ Andover, 3:30 pm
Cushing @ New Hampton, 3:30 pm
Kents Hill @ Berwick, 3:45 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Canterbury, 4:00 pm
Holderness @ Dexter, 4:00 pm
Brunswick @ Kingswood-Oxford, 4:00 pm
Thayer @ Milton, 4:00 pm -- new start time is 5:15 pm
Westminster @ Gunnery, 4:15 pm
Albany Academy @ Williston-Northampton, 4:15 pm
Hotchkiss @ Salisbury, 4:30 pm
Deerfield @ Kent, 4:30 pm
St. George's @ St. Mark's, 4:30 pm
St. Paul's @ Belmont Hill, 5:00 pm
Hebron @ Brewster Academy, 5:15 pm
Noble & Greenough @ Governor's, 5:30 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Lawrence Academy, 5:45 pm
Thurs. Feb. 26
Paramus Catholic @ Delbarton, 4:00 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Deerfield, 6:00 pm
Académie Saint-Louis @ St. Foy CEGEP Tournament, 6:30 pm
Northwood Junior @ St. Foy CEGEP Tournament, 7:00 pm
Fri. Feb. 27
Empire Cup Tournament
Game 1: Brunswick @ Trinity-Pawling, 7:00 pm -- changed to 6:30
Game 2: Albany Academy @ Millbrook, 5:30 pm
Lakes Region Tournament
#4 Proctor @ #1 KUA, 6:00 pm -- semifinal
#3 New Hampton @ #2 Tilton, time 6:45 pm -- semifinal
KUA is #1 seed; Brewster #6. Tilton, New Hampton, Vermont Acad., & Proctor all TBD
Northwood Junior @ St. Foy CEGEP Tournament, 11:00 am
Académie Saint-Louis @ St. Foy CEGEP Tournament, 2:00 pm
Williston-Northampton @ Winchendon, 5:30 pm
St. Paul's @ Dexter, 6:00 pm
Berwick @ Governor's, 6:00 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Deerfield, 6:00 pm
Brooks @ Belmont Hill, 6:15 pm
Rivers @ BB&N, 6:30 pm
Sat. Feb 28
Lakes Region Tournament
Third Place Game: Proctor @ Tilton, Time 4:00 pm
Championship Game: New Hampton @ KUA, 4:00 pm
Empire Cup Tournament
Consolation Game: Trinity-Pawling vs. Millbrook, 3:00 pm (at Millbrook)
Championship Game: Brunswick vs. Albany Academy, 5:30 pm (at Millbrook)
Holt League Playoffs:
Championship Game: Rye CD @ Pingree, time TBA
Hebron @ Kents Hill, 2:00 pm
Tabor @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 2:30 pm
Gunnery @ Berkshire, 2:30 pm
Deerfield @ Westminster, 3:00 pm
Canterbury @ Salisbury, 3:00 pm
Pomfret @ Williston-Northampton, 3:30 pm
St. George's @ Middlesex, 3:30 pm
St. Mark's @ Groton, 4:00 pm
BB&N @ Brooks, 4:00 pm
Andover @ Exeter, 4:00 pm
Berwick @ Cushing, 4:00 pm
Milton @ Noble & Greenough, 4:15 pm
St. Paul's @ Lawrence Academy, 4:30 pm
Hotchkiss @ Taft, 4:30 pm
Kent @ Choate, 5:00 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Thayer, 5:30 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Loomis-Chaffee, 7:30 pm
Sun. March 1
First Round of Mass. Super 8, Times TBA – at Tsongas Arena, Lowell
#6 Central Catholic vs. #3 Austin Prep, 12:00 pm
#8 Woburn vs. #1 Springfield Cathedral, 2:00 pm
#5 St. John's Prep vs. #4 BC High, 4:00 pm
#7 Franklin HS vs. #2 Malden Catholic, 6:00 pm
Mon. 2/16/15-updated Fri. 2/20/15
Prep Composite, Week of Feb. 16, 2015
Mon. Feb. 16
Malden Catholic @ St. Dominic Academy, 12:30 pm
Central Catholic @ Catholic Memorial, 2:00 pm
Belmont Hill @ St. Paul's, 3:00 pm
St. John's Prep @ St. John's--Shrewsbury, 3:00 pm
Groton @ Worcester Academy, 4:00 pm
Holderness @ Proctor, 4:30 pm
Berkshire @ Avon Old Farms, 4:45 pm
Hebron @ North Yarmouth Academy, 4:45 pm
Canterbury @ Millbrook, 5:00 pm
Harvey @ Forman School, 7:00 pm
Tues. Feb. 17
Brewster Academy @ Tilton, 4:30 pm
Wyoming Seminary @ Portledge, 4:45 pm
BB&N @ Middlesex, 5:00 pm
Wed. Feb. 18
Trinity-Pawling @ Millbrook, 2:00 pm
Proctor @ Kimball Union, 2:00 pm -- new starting time is 3:00 pm
Loomis-Chaffee @ Westminster, 2:30 pm
Kent @ Hotchkiss, 2:30 pm
Choate @ Avon Old Farms, 2:45 pm
Vermont Academy @ New Hampton, 3:00 pm
Exeter @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 3:00 pm – new starting time is 4:45 pm
St. Sebastian's @ St. Paul's, 3:15 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Bridgton Academy Prep, 3:30 pm
Noble & Greenough @ BB&N, 4:00 pm
Brunswick @ Albany Academy, 4:00 pm
Rivers @ St. Mark's, 4:00 pm
Tilton @ Kents Hill, 4:00 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Salisbury, 4:00 pm
Williston-Northampton @ Canterbury, 4:00 pm
Pomfret @ Berkshire, 4:00 pm
Taft @ Deerfield, 4:00 pm
Roxbury Latin @ St. George's, 4:00 pm
Groton @ Brooks, 4:30 pm
Thayer @ Tabor, 4:30 pm
Portsmouth Abbey @ Middlesex, 4:30 pm
Berwick @ Dexter, 4:45 pm
Andover @ Cushing, 4:45 pm
Governor's @ Lawrence Academy, 5:00 pm
Holderness @ Winchendon, 5:00 pm
Lawrenceville vs.Wyoming Seminary, 5:00 pm
Belmont Hill @ Milton, 5:30 pm -- new starting time is 5:00 pm
Pingree @ Worcester Academy, 6:00 pm
Malden Catholic @ Hamden HS, 6:00 pm
St. John's--Shrewsbury @ Xaverian, 8:00 pm
St. Mary's--Lynn @ Springfield Cathedral, 8:00 pm
Braintree HS @ St. John's Prep, 8:00 pm
Thurs. Feb. 19
Harvey vs. St. Luke's, 4:00 pm
Portsmouth Abbey @ St. George's, 4:45 pm
Malden Catholic @ Springfield Cathedral, 6:00 pm
Malden Catholic @ TBD, 6:00 pm
BC High vs. TBD, 7:00 pm
Fri. Feb. 20
Austin Prep @ Tewksbury HS, 3:00 pm
Brewster Academy @ New Hampton, 4:00 pm
Milton @ Thayer, 4:30 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Governor's, 4:45 pm
Dexter @ Winchendon, 5:00 pm
Proctor @ Vermont Academy, 5:00 pm
Berwick @ St. Mark's, 5:00 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Pomfret, 5:30 pm
Noble & Greenough @ Belmont Hill, 5:30 pm
Worcester Academy @ Moses Brown, 6:00 pm
Brooks @ Roxbury Latin, 6:15 pm
Tabor @ Andover, 6:30 pm
BB&N @ Hebron, 6:30 pm
Shattuck-St. Mary's @ St. Andrew's College, 7:00 pm
Deerfield @ Williston-Northampton, 7:00 pm -- faceoff time is 6:00 pm
Sat. Feb. 21
Shattuck-St. Mary's @ St. Andrew's College, 11:00 am
Hoosac vs. Hill School, 1:00 pm
Stanstead College vs. TBD, 1:00 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Millbrook, 2:00 pm
Kents Hill @ Brunswick, 2:00 pm
Governor's @ St. Sebastian's, 2:30 pm
Worcester Academy @ Pingree, 2:30 pm
Hotchkiss @ Trinity-Pawling, 2:30 pm
St. George's @ Groton, 3:00 pm
Salisbury @ Avon Old Farms, 3:00 pm
Cushing @ Kimball Union, 3:15 pm
Académie Saint-Louis @ Belmont Hill School JV, 3:15 pm
Rivers @ Middlesex, 3:30 pm
Lawrence Academy @ St. Mark's, 3:30 pm
Holderness @ Tabor, 4:00 pm -- postponed
Choate @ Taft, 4:00 pm
Northfield - Mt. Hermon @ Loomis-Chaffee, 4:15 pm
Exeter @ Deerfield, 4:30 pm
Vermont Academy @ Brewster Academy, 5:00 pm
Thayer @ St. Paul's, 5:15 pm -- moved up to 1:15 pm
Pomfret @ Moses Brown, 5:30 pm
Brooks @ Andover, 5:30 pm
Tilton @ Hebron, 6:00 pm
Hill School vs. Princeton Day School, 6:30 pm
Westminster @ Berkshire, 7:00 pm -- new faceoff time is 2:30 pm
Kent @ Canterbury, 7:00 pm -- faceoff has been moved up to 3:00 pm
Bridgton Academy @ New England Wolves, 7:00 pm
Lawrenceville @ Hun School, 8:00 pm
Sun. Feb. 22
Hill School vs. TBD, 8:00 am
Lawrenceville @ TBD, 12:00 pm
Académie Saint-Louis @ Winchendon School JV, 12:00 pm
Proctor @ New Hampton, 1:00 pm
Stanstead College vs. TBD, 1:00 pm
Choate @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 2:00 pm
Holderness @ Tabor, 2:30 pm -- makeup game from Sat. 2/21
Bridgton Academy @ New England Wolves, 7:00 pm
Mon. Feb. 23
Rivers @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Brewster Academy, 4:00 pm
Canterbury @ Gunnery, 4:45 pm
Groton @ Middlesex, 5:00 pm
Avon Old Farms @ Kingswood-Oxford, 5:00 pm
Kent @ Salisbury, 5:30 pm
Sun. 2/15/15
Again, Mistakes Haunt Salisbury
For host Salisbury, it was a great opportunity. But it went south quickly.
With Cushing up 1-0 nearly six minutes into the third period, Salisbury went on the power play, looking to tie the game. But it backfired when Cushing forward Danny Eruzione stole the puck in his end and flipped the puck out of the zone and into Salisbury's end. As Salisbury goalie Bailey MacBurnie went out beyond the top of the crease to play it, and his d-men stationed themselves on the boards, MacBurnie, with fleet-footed Cushing sophomore Marc McLaughlin sweeping down on him, faked to his right -- the bench side -- and then went to the other side. McLaughlin knocked the pass, which was a few inches off the ice, out of the air, and, as MacBurnie dove to get back in the net, McLaughlin swept it under his body. 2-0, Cushing.
It was the second straight game in which Salisbury gave up the game-winning goal on a defensive zone gaffe -- the last thing we expected to see this weekend. Ditto for two straight days of ineffectiveness on the power play. After figuring for matching minors, at least a couple vs. Loomis on Saturday, and probably a couple more vs. Cushing, the Knights power play was probably around 0-for-12 for the weekend. And a minus 1.
Anyway, after that back-breaking second goal, Salisbury kept at and it eventually paid off when Vimal Sukumaran coming down the left side, jumped on a rebound to cut Cushing's lead to 2-1 at 11:48. Assists on the goal went to Ray Seebeck and Cole Poliziani.
When Cushing's Jake Simons was called for cross-checking with 4:20 remaining in regulation, Salisbury had another chance on the PP, but defensemen James Gobetz and Brett Stirling, on separate occasions, each mishandled the puck at the blue line and failed to keep it in Cushing's end. With the puck out of the zone for much of the PP, Salisbury perhaps managed one shot on Cushing goalie Joey Daccord.
Cushing's McLaughlin notched his second goal of the game, an empty-netter, with five seconds left, for the 3-1 final.
Earlier, midway through the first, Cushing went up 1-0 when David Cotton, on the power play, fired a bullet from about 10 feet out, into the top corner glove side. MacBurnie had no chance. That was the only scoring over the first two goal periods.
Shots on goal were Salisbury 34, Cushing 26. Cushing missed the net on at least a half dozen chances. But the game felt pretty even possesion-wise. Each team took eight penalties, with a couple of matching minors.
Cushing head coach Rob Gagnon, after the game, said, "I felt we played with very even emotions. We got a lot of pucks out and tried to keep the play in the neutral zone as much as possible. Our d-zone play was good. On the PK I thought we did a good job. And Joey Daccord was spectacular, stopping two breakaways."
"We have really good special teams," Gagnon added, "and often that's the difference between winning and losing."
Salisbury head coach Andrew Will said, "Our power play didn't work again. We had some good looks but we were trying to be fancy and cute and didn't get pucks on net."
Will didn't use the quick turnaround and the physicality of Saturday's dispiriting loss to Loomis as an excuse. "I felt we were moving our feet," he said. "It wasn't for lack of effort."
Going forward, Will said, "We have to play 54 minutes every game, and not get frustrated. We control our own destiny. And that means putting ourselves in positions to win."
Sun. 2/15/15 Date
Loomis Edges Salisbury, 2-1, in Intense, Physical Game
The last time this typist had seen Loomis was 10 days ago, against Williston, in a 4-3 OT loss. Afterward Loomis head coach JR Zavisza said, simply, “We took a period off.” (The second period, when Williston outshot Loomis, 22-6.)
Yesterday, after Loomis’s 2-1 road win over Salisbury, Salisbury head coach Andrew Will said, “In the first period, we watched them. I thought we only played two periods of hockey.”
It’s always been true, but especially so at this time of year, as teams at this level are fighting for playoff position. You just cannot afford to play two periods and win. And that was the case at Salisbury yesterday.
This was an intense, physical game, and, overall, was the best game we have seen this season.
Salisbury gave up two first period goals and spent the rest of the day trying to claw back into the game.
The first Loomis goal came when senior Alex Esposito took a stretch pass and split two Salisbury D for a breakaway. He didn’t miss.
Salisbury had a chance to tie it up when, on the PP, James Gobetz, from the right point, fired a bullet of a shot that hit the left post and angled back across the crease where Birarelli corralled it.
The second goal, and the one that would stand up as the game-winner, came when Salisbury D Ray Seebeck had the puck on his stick near the wall a bit above the goal line in his end, and had a mental lapse, passing it directly onto the stick of Loomis senior Cam Toohey, who was breaking toward the net and rifled one past Bailey MacBurnie.
Loomis, in the final minute of the period, almost made it 3-0 when Ben Sharf, with his team shorthanded, took a nice stretch pass and was sent in alone, but was turned aside by MacBurnie. If Loomis had scored there, it might have put the game totally out of reach for the home team, as Loomis junior goalie Tim Birarelli was nearly flawless throughout the remainder of the game.
Late in the first period, the game started to become increasingly physical. As the two teams left the ice at the end of the first period, the game became nasty, with players from both teams – though Salisbury was clearly frustrated by their inability to establish their game -- congregating near the Loomis bench, pushing, shoving, and getting into each other’s faces.
When the players came out for the second period, the level of physicality was amped up. It would become the most physical prep game this typist has seen in a long while. Big hits, little hits, constant chirping – just a high level of intensity.
Salisbury had a power play early in the second period, but failed to get a shot on net. Salisbury’s biggest failure on the day was their inability to score on the PP. They had chances, too – by the end of the game Loomis would be charged with nine penalties to Salisbury’s four. That’s quite a discrepancy and, while officials shouldn’t ever feel a need to even things up, this didn’t seem to really reflect the play on the ice. In addition, there were many situations where a penalty should have been called, but play continued. And there was one situation in which the officials blew the whistle too early, just prior to Salisbury putting the puck in the net. The official’s call was that he had lost sight of the puck. Problem was, it was in plain sight, and well away from Birarelli, who had made the stop on the original shot.
At any rate, the 9-4 discrepancy in penalties meant Loomis had to spend much of the game shorthanded. Birarelli and the penalty killers were stellar for the rest of the game. They kept Salisbury at bay.
Late in the third period, however, Loomis was showing signs of fatigue.
Salisbury junior Michael O’Leary scored with 6:53 left, making it a one-goal game. O’Leary got the puck above the goal line to Birarelli’s right and shot it on net. Birarelli couldn’t get over in time to seal off the far post, and O’Leary’s shot appeared to deflect off the back of Birarelli’s leg and into the net.
Salisbury pressured hard for the rest of the game, but Birarelli stood up to everything.
In the final minute, Salisbury’s O’Leary, below the right face-off circle, spotted Vimal Sukumaran coming down the slot far side. Sukumaran was wide open and in perfect shooting position but Loomis senior D Zach Giuttari read the play well, extended himself perfectly to cut off the pass. Could have been the game saver.
“We didn’t score on the power play,” Will said afterward. “We had opportunities but their goalie was their best penalty killer.”
Much of the physicality, Will said. “was us trying to get back to establishing our compete level. There was a lot of emotion out there.”
Zavisza said, “We were hungry, we executed well on the kill, we blocked shots, and we competed physically.”
Wed. 2/11/15
Wed. Feb. 11, 2015 Prep Highlights
Exeter's Undefeated Season Bid Over; Wurman Slams Door on KUA
@ Proctor 6, Exeter 4 – Proctor put an end to Exeter’s bid for an undefeated season today. We’ll have a deeper look at this game tomorrow but, suffice to say, Proctor had a game plan for Exeter – and worked it to perfection. The Hornets never trailed in this one. They played a strong first period, and emerged with a 2-0 lead. They kept the two-goal lead after two, and entered the second intermission with a 3-1 lead. In the third, the two teams swapped goals several times, which meant that every time Exeter got to within one goal, Proctor would answer, making it a two-goal game again. Exeter never held a lead and just couldn’t get any closer. Exeter head coach Dana Barbin pulled his goalie with six or seven minutes 6-7 left on the clock and got a 6x4goal out of it, but only after Proctor scored a goal into Exeter’s vacated net. Exeter PG goalie Bryan Botcher (20/25), who has been terrific also season, allowed five goals for the first time. Proctor junior G Connor Simpson (31/35) was the winner today. The Proctor offense was led by Reilly Walsh (1g,4a) who figured in five of the six Proctor goals. Junior forward Jake Pappalardo (2g) and senior F Conor Fries (1g,1a). Each had two points. For Exeter, senior F Teddy Hart (1g,2a), PG F Max Roche (1g,1a), and senior F Andy Espinoza (2a) did their best, but, on this day, it wasn’t enough. Exeter is now 20-1-2 in NEPSIHA play; Proctor is 10-10-1.
@ Cushing 3, Tabor 3 – Tabor, with the help of two first period goals from freshman Max Sauve and a second period goal from sophomore Ed Hannon, took a 3-0 lead into the third period on the road. However, host Cushing came back with three straight goals. Senior Danny Eruzione got the Penguins on the board for the first time all day at 5:51. Sophomore Marc McLaughlin, at 14:41, cut the Tabor lead to 3-2. The comeback was completed with a goal from junior David Cotton with 1:18 left in regulation – and the goalie pulled for the extra attacker. Overtime was scoreless. Senior goaltender Riley Whitham (46/49) came up big for the Seawolves. Senior Joey Daccord kicked out 30 of 33 for the Penguins.
@ Andover 3, KUA 2 – Andover senior goalie Erik Wurman (53/55) led Andover to an upset of #7-ranked Kimball Union. After a scoreless first period, Andover got one in the second, and three more to start the third. KUA came up with two goals in the final two minutes but the horse had long since fled the barn. KUA, which drops to 18-5-1 in NEPSIHA play, outshot Andover, 55-20.
@ Lawrence 5, Thayer 2 – LA junior G Mike Robinson was the star here, kicking out 53 of 55 shots to lead his team past visiting Thayer. Sophomore D Jamie Swiggett (1g,2a) and sophomore F Esbjorn Fogstad Vold (1g,2a) each had three points to lead LA’s attack. Lawrence had a 4-0 lead midway through the third before Thayer got on the board.
St. Sebastian’s 8 @ Belmont Hill 4 – St. Seb’s, a team fighting for a spot in the Top 16, came in and dealt host Belmont Hill, a team that was holding an eight-game unbeaten streak (6-0-2) a blow, tagging them for eight goals, something no other team had done to them this season, much less in their own rink. It made for a long day for Bel Hill junior goalie Matt Barrow (20/28). Belmont Hill also lost Charlie Michalowski to a game misconduct/DQ for a hit to the head of Seb’s F John Rourke. Michalowski will miss Friday’s game at Thayer. St. Seb’s scored three straight power play goals between the end of the second period and the first half of the third. By that time, the Arrows had a comfortable 8-2 lead Belmont Hill scored two goals late in the game to make in an 8-4 final. St. Sebastian’s got a huge boost from their second line of Christian Reenstierna (3g), Brendan Goostray (4a), and Paul McAuliffe (1g,1a). In addition, senior Will D’Orsi (3a), junior Peter Mullin (2g), and soph RJ Murphy (2a) had big nights too. Sophomore Jonathan Folsom (2g) was Belmont Hill’s one bright spot. Belmont Hill is now 11-4-4 in NEPSIHA play; St. Sebastian’s is 9-7-3.
Salisbury 4 @ Taft 2 – A goal midway through the second from Salisbury junior F Edgars Treijs broke a 1-1 tie and turned out to be the GWG. No player in this game had more than one goal. Salisbury PG G Bailey MacBurnie (25/27) got the win; Taft sophomore Andrew Farrier (36/40) took the loss.
@ Nobles 6, Governor’s 0 – Despite being without Miles Wood (suspension) and Michael Fahie (flu), Nobles rolled over Governor’s, outshooting them 41-13. Luke Stevens (2g,3a) had five points to lead the Bulldogs attack. Senior defensemen Billy Carrabino (2g,1a), and Billy Sweezey (3a), and senior F Cody Todesco (1g,1a) also chipped in with multiple points. Nobles has been 12-1-0 since the Flood-Marr Tournament. They are 16-4-1 overall in NEPSIHA play.
@ Gunnery 3, Avon Old Farms 0 – Junior F Cam Donaldson and senior D Nick Quillan scored goals four seconds apart in the second period, and junior F Evan Lugo added an insurance goal in the third period. Junior goalie Trevin Kozlowski (26/26) earned the shutout as Gunnery (17-5-0 in NEPSIHA play) is now 9-1-0 over their last 10, with the sole loss a 1-0 decision to Salisbury.
@ Dexter 5, New Hampton 3 – It took a Sam D’Antuono goal at 5:40 of the third to break a 2-2 tie and send #8 Dexter on to victory. Senior Kevin Hock (2g,1a) led the Dexter scorers, and seniors D’Antuono (1g,1a) and Bryan Green (1g,1a), and junior Patrick Daly (1g,1a) each had two points. Senior Nick Lanni kicked out 18 of 21 for the win. Dexter is now 13-2-5 in NEPSIHA play.
@ Brooks 4, St. Marks 1 -- St. Mark’s outshot Brooks 36-25 but had a hard time beating Brooks senior goalie Max Prawdzik (35/36). Senior Max Shusterman (2g), junior Jack Goodwin (1g,1a), junior Vito Bavaro (1g,1a), and senior PJ Kelleher (2a) each had two points for Brooks, who improve to 14-2-4 in NEPSIHA play. St. Mark’s drops to 13-4-2. St. Mark’s was whistled for seven penalties in this game, while Brooks was called for four.
St. George’s 5 @ Rivers 5 – A strange game. St. George’s scores the only goal of the first. Rivers comes back with five consecutive goals in the second to make it 5-1, then St. George’s scores four straight, the final game-tying goal from junior D Tim Baumann coming on the PP with 1:11 to go in regulation.
@ Loomis 2, Deerfield 1 – Loomis bounced back from their previous game, a 4-3 OT loss at Williston last Wednesday, and eked out a 2-1 win over a game Deerfield squad, a team so depleted by injury and sickness that they had 14 skaters – nine forwards, and five d-men – by the final whistle. It’s a situation that Deerfield has struggled with much of this season. Today, though, they hung in there, and made Loomis work for their win. After a scoreless first period, Loomis senior Eric Benshadle scored right off the opening faceoff, just eight seconds into the period. It was also the only goal of the period. Loomis went up 2-0 early in the second on a terrific passing play-- Ben Sharf to Justin Grillo to Cam Toohey, who buried it. It would turn out to be the game-winning goal because later in the period, Deerfield’s Andrew Hadley scored on a great individual effort. Thomas Dale was credited with an assist. There was 3:55 on the clock at this point, but Deerfield couldn’t get that equalizer. Both goalies, Loomis junior Tim Birarelli (29/30) and the Big Green’s ’99 soph Samuel Vigneault (32/34) played extremely well. Deerfield’s top line of junior Andrew Hadley, senior Kevin Doyle, and sophomore Thomas Dale had a strong game. Junior Mathieu Vigneault, a Quebec City native and the older brother of the Big Green goaltender, played very well. If we’re focusing too much on Deerfield here it’s because they’ve had a rough year with injuries and sickness but they have still been able, despite their 2-14-3 record, to give teams a difficult time, make them play their best, and sometimes just skunk ‘em. Loomis, meanwhile, is 18-3-0 and heading toward the playoffs.
@ Hotchkiss 4, Westminster 2 – Senior Roberto Cellini, with a hat trick and an assist, figured in all four Hotchkiss goals.
@ Tilton 5, Holderness 1 – Junior Alexander Gerasimenko kicked out 25 of 26 shots and five of his teammates contributed a goal apiece.
@ Canterbury 4, Trinity-Pawling 1 -- Travis Schneider (1g,2a) notched three points and three of his teammates each added a goal. Junior Tim Decker (28/29) earned the win.
NMH 5, Williston 3 – Senior forwards Ben Freeman (1g,3a) and Peter Owen Hayward (2g) led the Hoggers’ attack, and senior goalie Conor O’Brien came up with 38 saves. Williston outshot NMH 41-35.
Brunswick 6 @ Lawrenceville 0 – Senior captain Tommy Dunleavy (1g,2a) led Brunswick’s attack. Max Fuld, Nick VanBelle, and Jack Stephenson each added a goal and an assist. Brunswick outshot L’ville 50-11. Brunswick improves to 16-5-0 in NEPSIHA play.
@ Choate 6, Pomfret 0 – Senior Andrew Tucci (21/21) got the shutout and senior captain Jeremy Germain (1g, 3a) and junior Henry Marshall (2g) led the Wild Boars’ attack. Choate outshot Pomfret 48-21 and improve to 11-5-3 in NEPSIHA play.
Vermont Academy 5, Kingswood-Oxford 1 -- Junior Jeremy Nadeau-Fortin (2g,1a), and seniors Dom Senerchia (1g,2a) and Cam Wright (3a) led VA’s attack. Vermont goalies Cam Habbard (23/24) and Ryan Srickland (14/14) combined to kick out 37 of 38 shots. Vermont Academy improves to 13-7-2 in NEPSIHA play.
@ Albany Academy 4, Millbrook 0 – Junior Kevin O’Neill had two goals, and PGs Tyson Araugo and Jack Riley had one apiece as the Cadets (10-9-2) moved over .500 in NEPSIHA play. Giancarlo Ventre (15/15) earned the win. AA held a 28-15 edge in shots.
Winchendon 4 @ Brewster 1 – Winchendon got a PP goal from senior co-captain Brian Brooks in the first; another PP goal from Brooks in the second. And they never looked back.
@ St. Paul’s 5, Milton 3 – This was a one-goal game until SPS added an empty netter with 13 seconds to go. Seniors John Laurito (1g,1a) and Conner Sodergren (2a), and senior D Vicenzo Renda (2a) each had two points for St. Paul’s. Junior Spencer Fox (2g) and soph Jack Bliss (2a) each had two points for Milton. St. Paul’s has won five of its last six.
Hebron 5 @ Berwick 4 – A penalty shot goal in OT off the stick of senior Myles Horn gave Hebron a win in a back-and-forth game. Hebron senior G Devin Sadonick (46/50) was the other hero for Hebron, who were outshot 50-28. For Berwick, senior Conor Tully (2g,1a) figured in three of his team’s four goals.
@ Pingree 6, Portsmouth Abbey 2 – Junior D Maxx Trotsky (1g,3a) led Pingree’s attack and senior Chris Devito (28/30) stood out in net.
@ BB&N 2, Groton 1 – Senior Ace Cowans gave Groton a 1-0 lead, and that’s where it held until the third, when Fuller Winton tied the game at 3:14 and Mark Addonizio scored a power play goal to win it a little over two minutes later, at 5:19. The goaltending was good: BB&N junior Sihak Lee (25/26) got the win; Groton junior Matt Efros (27/29) took the loss.
@ Roxbury Latin 3, Middlesex 1 – Middlesex couldn’t capture the momentum that might have come into play after their 3-2 home win over Brooks on Saturday night. Roxbury Latin got production from freshman Jimmy Duffy (2g) and junior Ronny Lestan (1g,1a). In net, sophomore Bryan McGrath (22/23) earned the win.
Sun. 2/8/15----- Between the weather of the past 10 days and the weather on our doorstep now, game schedules could become a real mess. Please send all postponements/make-up dates/cancellations to information (at) Also, if a game can't be made up -- i.e. a true cancellation -- let us know. Finally, if you make all the appopriate changes on your team's schedules, we should be able to stay on top of this.
Prep Composite, Week of Feb. 9, 2015
* indicates NEPSIHA game
Mon. Feb. 9 (not bloody likely)
St. Paul's @ Thayer, 4:00 pm*
Fieldston Prep @ Rye Country Day, 4:45 pm
Williston-Northampton @ Westminster, 5:00 pm -- postponed; makeup TBD
Wyoming Seminary @ Portledge, 5:30 pm
Lawrence @ Governor's, 5:30 pm -- -- postponed; makeup TBD
Chelmsford HS @ Central Catholic, 6:00 pm
Worcester Academy @ Pomfret, 6:00 pm*
Don Bosco Prep @ Fairfield Prep, 6:00 pm
Danvers HS @ St. John's Prep, 8:00 pm
Tues. Feb. 10 (check the skies)
Delbarton @ Hill School, 5:00 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Hotchkiss, 5:00 pm*
BC High @ Malden Catholic, 5:00 pm
Wed. Feb. 11
Berkshire @ Kent, 2:00 pm*
Westminster @ Hotchkiss, 2:30 pm*
Trinity-Pawling @ Canterbury, 2:30 pm*
Holderness @ Tilton, 2:30 pm*
Vermont Academy @ Kingswood-Oxford, 3:00 pm*
Williston-Northampton @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 3:00 pm*
St. Andrew's College @ Upper Canada College, 3:30 pm
Tabor @ Cushing, 3:30 pm*
Pomfret @ Choate, 3:30 pm*
Middlesex @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm*
Millbrook @ Albany Academy, 4:00 pm*
Kimball Union @ Andover, 4:00 pm*
St. George's @ Rivers, 4:00 pm*
Thayer @ Lawrence Academy, 4:00 pm*
Exeter @ Proctor, 4:00 pm*
Winchendon @ Brewster Academy, 4:00 pm*
Portledge @ La Salle, 4:00 pm
Groton @ BB&N, 4:15 pm*
Avon Old Farms @ Gunnery, 4:15 pm*
Hebron @ Berwick, 4:15 pm*
Lawrenceville @ Brunswick, 4:30 pm* -- moved up to 4:00 pm start
Salisbury @ Taft, 4:30 pm*
St. Mark's @ Brooks, 4:30 pm*
Rye Country Day @ King-Low, 4:30 pm
New Hampton @ Dexter, 4:45 pm*
Deerfield @ Loomis-Chaffee, 5:00 pm*
Milton @ St. Paul's, 5:00 pm*
St. Sebastian's @ Belmont Hill, 5:00 pm*
Xaverian @ Barnstable, 5:00 pm
Governor's @ Noble & Greenough, 5:15 pm*
St. Michael's College School @ Nichols, 5:30 pm
Moses Brown @ Worcester Academy, 6:15 pm*
Waltham High @ Central Catholic, 6:15 pm
Northwood Junior vs. Stanstead College, 7:00 pm -- @ UVM
Bishop Fenwick @ Austin Prep, 8:00 pm
Don Bosco Prep @ St. Joseph Met., 8:00 pm
St. Peter Marian @ St. John's Prep, 8:00 pm
Thurs. Feb. 12
St. Paul's @ Tilton, 4:30 pm*
Catholic Memorial @ BC High, 5:00 pm
Bishop Guertin HS @ Malden Catholic, 5:00 pm
Berkshire @ Kent, 5:15 pm*
Hoosac @ Millbrook, 5:30 pm*
Austin Prep @ Arlington Catholic, 8:00 pm
Fri. Feb. 13
Kents Hill @ Hebron, 2:15 pm*
Roxbury Latin @ Pingree, 3:30 pm*
St. Luke's @ Harvey, 3:45 pm
Vermont Academy @ Winchendon, 4:00 pm*
Belmont Hill @ Thayer, 4:00 pm*
Kimball Union @ New Hampton, 4:30 pm*
Moses Brown @ Portsmouth Abbey, 5:00 pm
Trinity-Pawling @ Kingswood-Oxford, 5:00 pm* -- makeup game
Brunswick @ Exeter, 5:00 pm*
Lawrence Academy @ St. Sebastian's, 5:45 pm*
Acton-Boxborough HS @ Springfield Cathedral, 6:00 pm -- at the Olympia, West Springfield
Governor's @ Andover, 6:15 pm*
Tabor @ Dexter, 7:00 pm*
CP Dynamo @ Rice Memorial, 7:45 pm
Albany Academy @ Berwick, 8:00 pm*
Delbarton @ Bishop Hendricken, 8:00 pm -- at the Olympia, West Springfield
Sat. Feb. 14
Acton-Boxborough vs. Bishop Hendricken, 12:00 pm -- at the Olympia, West Springfield
Noble & Greenough @ Milton, 1:00 pm* -- moved up to noon start
Brunswick @ New Hampton, 1:30 pm*
Williston-Northampton @ Millbrook, 2:00 pm*
BB&N @ Belmont Hill, 2:00 pm* -- moved up to 12:30 start
Roxbury Latin @ Rivers, 2:00 pm*
Nichols @ Shattuck-St. Mary's, 2:00 pm
Delbarton vs. Springfield Cathedral, 2:00 pm -- -- at the Olympia, West Springfield
Deerfield @ Avon Old Farms, 2:30 pm*
Choate @ Westminster, 2:30 pm*
Catholic Memorial @ St. John's Prep, 2:30 pm
Portsmouth Abbey @ Rye CD, 2:45 pm
Northfield - Mt. Hermon @ Exeter, 3:00 pm*
Cushing @ Canterbury, 3:30 pm*
Tabor @ Berwick, 3:45 pm* -- makeup of Sat. 1/24
North Yarmouth Academy @ Brewster Academy, 4:00 pm*
St. Mark's @ Middlesex, 4:00 pm*
Gunnery @ Pomfret, 4:00 pm*
CP Dynamo @ Rice Memorial, 4:15 pm
National Sports Academy @ Worcester Academy, 4:15 pm
Albany Academy vs. Hebron, 4:30 pm* -- at Phillips Exeter
St. Paul's @ Proctor, 4:30 pm*
Taft @ Hotchkiss, 4:30 pm*
Loomis-Chaffee @ Salisbury, 7:00 pm* -- moved up to 4:30 due to weather
Berkshire @ Governor's, 4:45 pm*
St. George's @ Brooks, 5:00 pm*
Ulysse Prep @ Stanstead College, 5:00 pm
BC High vs. Waltham High, 5:00 pm – at Ferreira Classic; Falmouth, Mass.
Central Catholic @ Andover High School, 5:45 pm
Xaverian @ Framingham H.S., 5:45 pm
Holderness @ Kimball Union, 6:00 pm*
Austin Prep @ Falmouth HS, 7:00 pm
Hill School @ Vermont Academy, 7:00 pm*
Trinity-Pawling @ Kent, 7:00 pm*
Bridgton Academy @ Rothesay Netherwood School, 7:00 pm
Malden Catholic @ Mount St. Charles, 7:00 pm
Sun. Feb. 15
Hill School @ Hoosac, 11:30 am*
Bridgton Academy @ Rothesay Netherwood School, 12:00 pm
National Sports Academy @ Moses Brown, 12:30 pm
Nichols @ Shattuck-St. Mary's, 12:30 pm
Gunnery @ Lawrenceville, 12:30 pm*
Cushing @ Salisbury, 1:00 pm*
Winchendon @ Kents Hill, 1:00 pm*
Stanstead College @ Ulysse Prep, 1:00 pm
Mon. Feb. 16
Malden Catholic @ St. Dominic Academy , 12:30 pm
Central Catholic @ Catholic Memorial, 2:00 pm
Belmont Hill @ St. Paul's, 3:00 pm*
St. John's Prep @ St. John's-Shrewsbury, 3:00 pm
Groton @ Worcester Academy, 4:00 pm*
Holderness @ Proctor, 4:30 pm*
Hebron @ North Yarmouth Academy, 4:45 pm*
Groton @ Worcester Academy, 5:00 pm*
Canterbury @ Millbrook, 5:00 pm*
Harvey @ Forman School, 7:00 pm
BC High vs. TBD, 7:00 pm -- – at Ferreira Classic; Falmouth, Mass.
Sat. 2/7/15
Sat. Feb. 7, 2015 Highlights
@ Exeter 5, Milton 2 -- With the game tied after two, Andy Espinoza (1g,1 SHG, 1a), Max Roche (1g,1a), and Stanley Brenner (1a) went to work, teaming up for three straight to keep Exeter undefeated at 20-0-2. Bryan Botcher (24/26) got the win.
@ Belmont Hill 2, Rivers 0 -- With the game tied 0-0 entering the third, Christian O'Neill and David Giunta scored goals four minutes apart as Bel Hill improved to 12-3-5. Charlie Michalowski had a pair of assists. Bel Hill has an eight-game undefeated streak (6-0-2).
Thayer 5, Governor's 0 -- Mike Royer notched a 15-save shutout and Thayer got goals from five different scorers to improve to 12-7-1. After a four-game losing streak, the Tigers have bounced back with a four-game unbeaten streak (3-0-1). Thayer outshot Gov's 46-15.
@ St. Sebastian's 2, Tabor 1 -- Sophomore RJ Murphy scored a top-shelf goal from the left faceoff circle at 12:06 of the third to break the 1-1 tie and lead the Arrows to victory in the 19th Annual Tabor Cup game. After junior D Mike Ryan scored in the first for Tabor, St. Seb's junior D Jack McCool came back in the second to tie it up for Seb's, with assists going to Will D'Orsi and Murphy. The winning goaltender was senior Danny Higgins (32/33); Tabor senior Riley Whitman (18/20), who was called for tripping with one minute to go and his team down a goal, came up on the short end. The John Cail award, given to the game's MVP, went to McCool.
@ Winchendon 3, Albany Academy 2 -- Trailing 2-1 at home entering the third period, Winchendon got goals from Anthony Scarella and Maxime Cote to pull out the come-from-behind win. Josh George (32/24) got the win.
Kimball Union 3 @ Holderness 2 -- An unassisted goal from KUA junior D Jake Massie with 59 seconds left in regulation lifted the Wildcats to the 3-2 road win. Peyton Porter (21/23) got the win for KUA. Holderness' Mark Michaels (37/40) was the hard-luck loser.
@ St. Paul's 8, BB&N 1 -- Senior Vincent Lima (3g,2a) had a big day for SPS, who outshot BB&N 39-16.
@ Middlesex 3, Brooks 2 -- Brooks, coming off a physically and emotionally-exhausting game last night in a 1-1 tie vs. Dexter, was upset today by Middlesex, which broke a 2-2 third period tie on a goal from junior Tabor Smith at 9:07 of the third period. Harrison Markell was credited with an assist on the goal. Brooks outshot Middlesex 37-18, but junior goalie Tristan Collins came up with a 35-save effort to earn the win. Brooks senior Max Prawdzik (15/18) took the loss, which was only the second of the season for Brooks. The other was also a 3-2 decision, at Exeter on Jan. 7th.
@ St. Mark's 9, Groton 2 -- Adam Lee (1g,5a) and Peter Housakos (3g,2a) led the scoring parade for the Lions.
Kents Hill 3 @ Pingree 0 -- Connor Cassidy, Kevin Rodgers, and Kenny Britton scored the goals and freshman goalie Jaxon Friedman posted a 26-save shutout to lead Kents Hill.
@ Berwick 4, St. George's 2 -- A power play goal early in the third period off the stick of senior Conor Tully -- his second goal of the game -- lifted Berwick to the win. Berwick senior goalie Joe Lazzaro (34/36) got the win.
Mon. 2/2/15-- With more bad weather on the way, we'll need coaches to help with all schedule changes. If there are any needed corrections below -- or any games are cancelled (looks very likely!) -- please let us know at Thank you.
Prep Composite, Week of Feb. 2, 2015
Mon. Feb. 2
Rivers @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm
Bergen Catholic @ Portledge, 4:00 pm
Holderness @ New Hampton, 4:30 pm -- postponed; no makeup date yet
Trinity-Pawling @ Hotchkiss, 4:30 pm -- postponed to Tues. 2/3 at 5:00 pm
BB&N @ Middlesex, 4:45 pm -- postponed; no makeup date yet
Brunswick @ Salisbury, 5:00 pm -- postponed to Tues. 2/3 at 5:30 pm
Williston-Northampton @ Westminster, 5:00 pm -- postponed to Mon. 2/16 at 5:00 pm
Albany Academy @ Berkshire, 5:00 pm -- postponed; no makeup date yet
Hoosac @ Millbrook, 5:30 pm -- postponed; no makeup date yet
Dexter @ Brooks, 6:00 pm -- postponed to Fri. 2/6 at 6:45 pm
Pomfret @ Portsmouth Abbey, 6:15 pm
Austin Prep @ Tewksbury High School, 7:00 pm
Bishop Guertin HS @ Malden Catholic, 7:00 pm
Tues. Feb. 3
Don Bosco Prep @ Delbarton, 4:45 pm
Trinity-Pawling @ Hotchkiss, 5:00 pm -- makeup of Mon. 2/2
Brunswick @ Salisbury, 5:30 pm -- makeup of Mon. 2/2
Wed. Feb. 4
Avon Old Farms @ Westminster, 2:30 pm
Kimball Union @ Northfield - Mt. Hermon, 2:30 pm
Kent @ Taft, 2:30 pm
Berkshire @ Canterbury, 2:30 pm
Belmont Hill @ Lawrence Academy, 3:00 pm
Vermont Academy @ Rice Memorial, 3:15 pm
Proctor @ Brewster Academy, 3:30 pm
Middlesex @ St. George's, 3:30 pm
St. Mark's @ Roxbury Latin, 3:30 pm
Salisbury @ Trinity-Pawling, 3:45 pm
Millbrook @ Gunnery, 4:00 pm
Rivers @ Groton, 4:00 pm
Exeter @ Holderness, 4:00 pm
Brooks @ Berwick, 4:00 pm
Hoosac @ Winchendon, 4:00 pm
Lawrenceville @ LaSalle College Prep, 4:00 pm
Andover @ Deerfield, 4:15 pm
Tilton @ Cushing, 4:15 pm
Dexter @ Pomfret, 4:30 pm
Stanstead College @ New Hampton, 4:30 pm
Loomis-Chaffee @ Williston-Northampton, 4:30 pm
St. Sebastian's @ Milton, 4:30 pm
Portledge @ Seton Hall Prep, 4:30 pm
Kingswood-Oxford @ Rye Country Day, 4:45 pm
North Yarmouth Academy @ Hebron, 5:00 pm
Governor's @ St. Paul's, 5:15 pm
Hotchkiss @ Choate, 5:30 pm
Tabor @ Moses Brown, 5:45 pm
St. John's Prep @ Austin Prep, 6:00 pm
Central Catholic @ Malden Catholic, 6:00 pm
Worcester Academy @ Portsmouth Abbey, 6:00 pm
Thayer @ Noble & Greenough, 6:00 pm
Springfield Cathedral @ BC High, 6:00 pm
Harvey @ Fieldston Prep, 6:15 pm
Fri. Feb. 6
Proctor @ Rice Memorial, 3:00 pm
Vermont Academy @ Cushing, 3:30 pm
King-Low @ Harvey, 4:00 pm
Hebron @ Lawrence Academy, 4:30 pm
St. Mark's @ Pingree, 4:30 pm
Rye H.S. @ Rye Country Day, 4:45 pm
BB&N @ Groton, 4:45 pm
Belmont Hill @ Andover, 5:15 pm
Northwood Junior @ Kimball Union, 6:00 pm
Berwick @ Kents Hill, 6:00 pm
New Hampton @ Winchendon, 6:00 pm
Delbarton @ Hotchkiss, 6:00 pm
Noble & Greenough @ St. Paul's, 6:00 pm
St. Andrew's College @ Ridley College, 6:15 pm
Dexter @ Brooks, 6:45 pm -- make-up of Mon. 2/2
Albany Academy @ Brunswick, 7:00 pm
Bridgton Academy @ Lawrenceville, 7:00 pm
Sat. Feb. 7
Proctor @ Ulysse Prep, 10:00 am
Académie Saint-Louis @ Conn. Chiefs, 11:00 am
Northwood Junior vs. New England Wolves, 12:00 pm – at Middlebury College
Northfield - Mt. Hermon @ Vermont Academy, 1:00 pm
Thayer @ Governor's, 2:00 pm
Albany Academy @ Winchendon, 2:00 pm
Milton @ Exeter, 2:00 pm
Springfield Cathedral @ Hingham HS, 2:00 pm
Rivers @ Belmont Hill, 2:15 pm
Bishop Hendricken @ Malden Catholic, 2:15 pm
St. Andrew's College @ Nichols, 2:30 pm
Hill School @ Wyoming Seminary, 3:00 pm
Worcester Academy @ Roxbury Latin, 3:00 pm
Tabor @ St. Sebastian's, 3:00 pm -- 19th Annual Travis Roy Cup
Kimball Union @ Holderness, 3:00 pm
Stanstead College @ Tilton, 3:00 pm
BB&N @ St. Paul's, 3:30 pm
Groton @ St. Mark's, 4:00 pm
Austin Prep vs. Billerica HS, 4:00 pm – at Breakaway House, Tewksbury
Brooks @ Middlesex, 4:00 pm
St. George's @ Berwick, 4:00 pm
Kents Hill @ Pingree, 4:30 pm
Andover @ Dexter, 5:00 pm
BC High @ Catholic Memorial, 5:00 pm -- at Walter Brown Arena, BU
Central Catholic @ Chelmsford HS, 5:45 pm
Bridgton Academy @ Valley Forge, 7:00 pm
Westford Academy @ Xaverian, 7:45 pm
St. John's Prep @ Arlington Catholic, 8:00 pm
Sun. Feb. 8
St. Andrew's College @ St. Michael's College School, 10:00 am
Académie Saint-Louis @ Kents Hill, 11:30 am
Bridgton Academy @ Hill School, 12:00 pm
Franklin HS @ Malden Catholic, 1:00 pm
Ridley College @ Nichols, 3:00 pm
Northwood Junior (neutral site) New England Wolves, 4:30 pm – at UVM
CBA @ Don Bosco Prep, 6:15 pm
Mon. Feb. 9
Fieldston Prep @ Rye Country Day, 4:45 pm
Wyoming Seminary @ Portledge, 5:30 pm
Chelmsford HS @ Central Catholic, 6:00 pm
Worcester Academy @ Pomfret, 6:00 pm
Don Bosco Prep @ Fairfield Prep (CT), 6:00 pm
Austin Prep @ Melrose High School, 7:00 pm
Danvers @ St. John's Prep, 8:00 pm
New England Prep Hockey News
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